Access Management

Invite your colleagues to join DataHub

Admin Roles (Company, Application/Developer and Group admins)

You can simply invite your colleagues to join DataHub and manage your Company, Application(s) or Group(s) separately.

Admin Permissions

Company Admin

Application/Developer Admin

Group Admin


Product Management; Billing;

Sandbox: Development (SDK & API Integration)

DataHub: Data Management





View Company Name


View & Edit Company Settings


Create Application(s)


View Application Name




View & Edit Application Settings



Create User Group(s)



View & Edit User Group Settings




Manage Access to Company


Manage Access to Application(s)



Manage Access to User Group(s)




Invite your colleagues to join DataHub

If you are a manager of the Company, follow to your Management page.

Invitation by email

Your colleague will get an email to join DataHub:

After following the link your colleague will see the registration form:

After filling this form, your colleague will be able to log in DataHub.

You can also send the direct link to this registration form.

Last updated